About Time! yell Media
Yes, given that the media can only purvey what it
imagines people want to see and hear, the
people have to allow themselves to be gaplessly
convinced that it
is in fact what they
want to see and
hear, even though 99% of it is quite obviously trash,
lies and waste of materials. (Is that a portrait of 'the
Consumer'?) Anyway, they apparently have all left it
up to
Fud, the Newspaper from Nowhere, to 'tell it
like it is,' -
if that's at all possible.
Few readers can
have any idea of just what an enormous and difficult
task this is. In fact, we venture our opinion that it's
most probably a superhuman task.
the ghastly record of history as your guide: the
centuries, the millenia of compacted ignorance that
have been necessary to produce the incredibly high
standard of human being---ourself, no less---that we
have strutting about all over the planet today.
what does this latest and greatest development of the
dinosaur know or care about anything that is not
straightforward self-indulgence? And quite right, for
what is life except self-indulgence? If you're lucky!
Isn't that what it's all about, once you've got the
problem of survival sorted? Of course it is.
So What's for Sale?
Nothing at all. No
profit will go to the producers of
Fud because they simply don't
deserve any for writing stuff like
this. But almost anyone with the
gift of literacy in the present
language should be able to read
and enjoy this wee Newspaper
it says so much that all
the others don't. Actually, Fud
is an information exchange that
goes far beyond the smug propaganda and inanities of State
radio and TV. The fact
is that mankind urgently needs to
undergo radical change in its
entire pattern. The big question
is how can this come about?
The Great Meteorite Hope is no
good,because it would be too
quick for anyone to appreciate
the results satisfactorily, even
though it might solve the
problem definitively.

Why is it that clothing for women of all ages is so much more stylish and interesting in general than that available to men? Fashion store or charity shop, a man is lucky to find a garment that ‘works.’ The whole thrust of society seems to be towards worship of woman, a philosophy in which the male element is assumed, and the female holds centre stage. Women know better, because they know that life is about reproduction. Fashion is all about making female charms more alluring - even explicit - such that men might easily feel embarrassed, if not coarsened by society’s relentless propaganda that sex is the meaning of life.
An attractive woman commands attention, and has at her disposal the full resources of the fashion industry, so that she can prove irresistible to the opposite sex. On the other hand, men are commonly badly dressed, with baggy trousers, nondescript tops and aggressively short hair. Those who seek the all-important street-cred have to pay highly for the designer signatures on their tat. Another influence is that identity in the UK and Euro-America is breaking down, and since men have no role other than family provider, they feel weak and emotional, and look and dress accordingly. Those who are seemingly not emotional are suppressive-aggressive, but the wear is identical.
Men are clichéd into a caricature of maleness, a kind of supertramp with credit card, a piece of cheap flattery designed to reassure urbanites that they have a unique but common identity. This put-together image hunts his equally put-together counterpart, and soon they are joined by Junior, with his spiky dyed hair and swifly acquired street smarts, who is as clueless as his parents as to what it is all about - apart from sex, consumerism and chat. Catch the next episode on channel umpteen or forever eat your heart out.