About Time! yell Media

Yes, given that the media can only purvey what it somehow imagines people want to see and hear, the people have to allow themselves to be gaplessly convinced that it is in fact what they want to see and hear, even though 99% of it is quite obviously trash, lies and waste of materials. (Is that a portrait of 'the Consumer'?) Anyway, they apparently have all left it up to Fud, the Newspaper from Nowhere, to 'tell it like it is,' - if that's at all possible.

Few readers can have any idea of just what an enormous and difficult task this is. In fact, we venture our opinion that it's most probably a superhuman task.

Take the ghastly record of history as your guide: the centuries, the millenia of compacted ignorance that have been necessary to produce the incredibly high standard of human being---ourself, no less---that we have strutting about all over the planet today.

Now what does this latest and greatest development of the dinosaur know or care about anything that is not straightforward self-indulgence? And quite right, for what is life except self-indulgence? If you're lucky! Isn't that what it's all about, once you've got the problem of survival sorted? Of course it is.

So What's for Sale?

Nothing at all. No profit will go to the producers of Fud because they simply don't deserve any for writing stuff like this. But almost anyone with the gift of literacy in the present language should be able to read and enjoy this wee Newspaper because it says so much that all the others don't.

Actually, Fud is an information exchange that goes far beyond the smug propaganda and inanities of State radio and TV. The fact is that mankind urgently needs to undergo radical change in its entire pattern. The big question is how can this come about? The Great Meteorite Hope is no good,because it would be too quick for anyone to appreciate the results satisfactorily, even though it might solve the problem definitively.


The trouble with emotionality is that you are always on the horns of a dilemma.


What is a study-centre?

‘Study’ in this context refers to ‘study of consciousness and behaviour.’ If you haven’t come across this term before, it’s hardly surprising since there is, as far as is known, only the one in all the world, and it isn’t very keen on publicity. Note on the terms: ‘consciousness’ means the ability to know, be aware of: ‘behaviour’ refers to what is happening in the environment around you, as well as what and who you impact on.

These are the essential elements. Once you get interested, you begin to see that the interpretation we have been handed as to what life is or means, is pretty limited and unsatisfying. All human knowledge goes just so far and then runs out, like water in the sands. Actually, what knowledge peters out into is its opposite - not knowing. Socially, not to know makes you a dumbcluck, a dodo, dimwit, dunce, but not-knowing is one’s very nature, and it in no way interferes with knowing. OK?

Centre? A potentially great idea. A place where those able to cast off the spell of vanity can get together and look into the meaning of it all, without teachers or experts. It does require keenness and maturity, but in return for giving up game playing you get access to what you really want - complete dissolution of all that is false. What is left? The genuine, of course!